A few nights ago, Dana was out for
the evening. After making one of my favorite alone meals of
fish sticks and beans, I pulled out our VHS
copies of the original Star Wars trilogy and enjoyed some great memories and movies. Still love it!
But, I did catch Yoda hurting the whole braveheart idea.
Yoda tells
Luke, “Do, or
do not. There is no try.”
Yoda was wrong. In his effort to stop using “I tried” as an excuse for a half-hearted effort,
Yoda may have ruined a generation who think they can go from
fear and mediocrity to success and greatness without trying and the messy in-between part. A generation that is misled to think that you either have it or your don't.
To be successful in real life and not the
movies, “try” and its companion risk of failure are real, demanding effort and
courage. Expecting success to come
without the messiness of fears and possibility of failure isn’t real. No one goes from “don’t do” to “do” without
the courage to try, because “do” is not a gift or accomplished by a dream. Waiting until you are sure you can “do”
before trying keeps a lot of children in the bleachers and out of the game. Waiting until you know you can "do" leaves out the value of growth and developing abilities.
Yoda promoted an unrealistic
jump to achievement where the importance of trying is left out. Many children don't succeed because they are stuck in bad spots where they don't try for different reasons. Some have given
up. They feel like they can never make
anyone happy, so why try? Some have no
purpose, they have found nothing outside themselves worth their energy. Some don’t try because they think the fine
life will be handed to them. Others look
around their small world and have no hope or think they have no ability.
It is a travesty for children to be stuck, without the courage to try.
But, our children don’t need to be
stuck in a bad spot. They can learn
courage and be bravehearts. And succeed. They can know you believe in them, that they are gifted, and that they have a great God they can trust. They can have courage to try, even if Yoda says there is no try.
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