Joe Neff serves as Upper School Principal at Little Rock Christian Academy. Having paused in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Wheaton, Illinois as a Christian school administrator, he has had lots of opportunity to build bravehearts directly and lead those who do. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and Arizona State University, he has some pretty random adventures in being a Braveheart such as getting lost in a snowstorm in the mountains of Arizona, being the first boy in his rural Kentucky family to go to college, running a camp in the Gila Wilderness, and coaching an undefeated high school volleyball team.
His own four children provide an assortment of Braveheart stories. They have climbed Mt. Ranier, worked as river guides on the Arkansas, travelled Central America, played on a state championship soccer team, created a new adaption of Lord of the Flies, headed Women's Ministries, studied at L'abri, set up a student organization to raise thousands for AIDS, and survived in NYC as a Starbuck's barista. At the moment, they are in Colorado, Southern California, Grand Rapids, and Portland areas. Joe and his wife of thirty-five years, Dana, keep track of their children's adventures while making new memories of their own as empty-nesters.